Michael (Ras Ichael aka Di Ashesheesh) Montague was born [1985] at 15 Saunders Ave, Kingston 3 Jamaica.
He is the last child of 5 children for his mother Miss Ruby Smith and the last of his dad’s Mr David Montague 5 children. He lost his dad quite young and did not get to know him because he was just a baby 9 months old. Growing up with his mom, he loved music from a very small age when Christmas came, his mom wanted to send him out with his big sister but all he ever wanted to do is light star light and listen music from his 4 foot stereo player and and dance for sure. Music always takes him to a place so magical and before you even know it he can recall memories of his mom saying, no one can dance in this house like him. But while growing up cricket and cooking was what he loved more than anything in the world. He was a very active child, always helpful and cooking many times for his mom. His mom had a buisness running at home, so they all worked together as a famiy.
He was attending Alpha Primary School as a 3rd grade student at the time so he would make stuff to sell and made money from a small age by selling peanut brittle and tamarind ball. He was a quick learner at practical things. He reached half way in 5 grade. He lost his mother at age 11. He did have to move with his brother who is of a different mother to spanish town. While attending Ensom City All Age, he got the name Michael. After moving from his brother to his aunt in portmore. He got to link up with Dwayne and many more artiste, they used to play football together. His friend Dwayne is now know as I-Wayne. Having spent 2 years in Portmore’s Garvey Mead, he move back to Mountain View and got enrolled in Clan Carty High School in 10 Grade. He got introduced to mechanics and learned to fix cars at the age of 17. He can now spray cars and do electrical welding which helped him out in life today because living without a mom or dad and being of a poor family, it was very hard. His hardest time was finding a stable place to rest his head at nights. He lived in a car garage for 4 years. By the age of 20, he started to sight Rasta then after 3 years he finally statred to realize that music was the way. He started singing and writing hard, people used to laugh but he never stopped doing what he loved and that was music. At 25 years old he started getting the response he was always craving. His friends and people in the community in general started to look at him differently. He started to link up with Jah Ova Evil Records and recorded a couple songs.
He suddenly noticed he was getting great response from his listeners. Comments like ‘Yes Now’, Wow, This is magic etc so he decided to keep pushing on and try to get some air play. After landing a few shows and getting fabulous response, while also getting to know new producers like Signature Record, Bold Record, Venom Record.
Having performed at shows over the years in his community and out of his community in places like Bog Walk High School, UWI, MOUNTAIN VIEW JAMBAREE, REGGAE TO REGGAE, JAH OVA EVIL CONCERTS and many more. Be sure to listen out for this vibrant and energetic artiste RAS ICHAEL AKA De ASHESHEESH. CLEAN MUSIC for the world.